Healthcare in Rural Canada

“Community hospitals across remote parts of Canada are facing challenges from staffing to funding.”

Here is a news story by CTV that highlights some of the realities associated healthcare in rural communities in Canada.

Disability Inclusion in health research?

If you’re interested in learning how and why it is important to make health research more inclusive, the following webinar might be of interest to you.


The following is an X post Kristin wrote about the reassessment her father is having to undergo. What do you think about this requirement for Kristin’s father? What suggestions do you have to improve the process?

Alberta’s healthcare: How are things going?

Read Jen Lee’s article for the answer.

Public to Private to Public?

Alberta’s medical laboratories have gone from public, to private, and back to public in less than one year. What has this back and forth action cost Albertans? This and other questions are explored in this CBC report.

Amplifying the Patient’s Voice

Martha’s Rule is a new policy that aims to give patients and the patient’s families greater voice in the the care their loved one is receiving without the fear of retribution or the like. Had this rule existed in 2021, perhaps Martha’s outcome would have been very different.

As Martha’s mother said, “‘I desperately wish that I’d felt able, with no fear of being the target of ill-temper or condescension, to ask for a second opinion from outside the liver team when I became concerned about Martha’s deterioration.’”

Click here to read about Martha’s Rule.

An Important Meeting

“Alberta Health Services (AHS) is looking for ways in which it can prevent further closures at the Pincher Creek Health Centre’s emergency department.”

Image from Google Maps

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Pincher Creek Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. Click here for more information.

Without OB Services

What is it like to have no access to obstetric services? Join this discussion to find out.

One a Day?

If you have time to read only one Twitter thread today, you might want to choose this one.