“Who is okay with this?”

In 90 days?


The following is an X post Kristin wrote about the reassessment her father is having to undergo. What do you think about this requirement for Kristin’s father? What suggestions do you have to improve the process?

Short on Time?

Image from pixy.org

Even if you are scrambling to get everything done on your To-Do List and think you cannot possibly do another thing, please consider taking a few minutes to read this article by David Climenhaga. It will be time well spent.

What is happening in Alberta?

How Many More?

How many more doctors in Alberta are going to be sending their patients a similar letter as the one Brenda recieved?

Why are doctors withdrawing hospital services?

Doctors in rural communities around Alberta are leaving, retiring or changing their services. Why is it occurring and who is responsible? For answers to these and other questions, check out this article.

Advocate for Persons with Disabilities

Recently, Sandra Jansen, MLA from Calgary North West, proposed a private member’s bill. This bill, if passed, would see the creation of an Advocate for Persons with Disabilities. The Advocate would report to and advise the Minister of Community and Social Services and be mandated to:

  • identify and study issues of concern to persons with disabilities;
  • review programs and policies affecting persons with disabilities;
  • participate in processes in which decisions are made about persons with disabilities;
  • promote the rights, interests and well-being of person with disabilities through public education;
  • provide information and advice to the Government with respect to any matter relating to the rights, interests and well-being of person with disabilities; and
  • assist individuals who are having difficulty accessing services for persons with disabilities and related programs, including directing them to an appropriate resource, person or organization that may be able to assist them.”

Click here to read more about the proposed bill and provide your response.

***Thanks to Sandi, a member of the Pts4Chg community, for bringing this to our attention.***

Opportunity to get Involved

Do you have a broad understanding of Alberta’s health system? Does this understanding include the area of insured and publicly funded health service under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan and Hospitalization Benefits Plan? Do you have strong written and oral communication skills? Are you able to think critically, synthesize information, and remain objective when necessary? Can you attend teleconference or face-to-face meetings in Edmonton, Alberta every five weeks? If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, you may wish to apply to become a public member of the Out-of-Country Health Services Appeal Panel.

The appeal panel is an adjudicative body that hears appeals from Albertans regarding claims that the Out-of-Country Health Services Committee (OOCHSC) denied for insured services received or to be received outside of Canada. The Alberta resident, or an Alberta physician or dentist acting on behalf of an Alberta resident, may appeal a decision of the OOCHSC and submit an appeal.

Click here to read more about this opportunity. Deadline for applications is Thursday, December 8, 2016.