welcomeWelcome to the Patients 4 Change website. Here you will find health-related news, relevant articles, tweets, and musings from individuals who, like you, are wanting to bring about change to healthcare. Requests for research participants, calls to action and upcoming events will also be posted here.

If you have something you would like posted on the website, please feel free to complete the contact form with the necessary information. Upon review, your submission will be posted in the News area.

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.
For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. – Margaret Mead

Latest News

Home – Hospital – Home

As a patient, going from your home, to the hospital and then back to your home can be more complicated than it might seem from the outset.  In her first post, Robyn highlights a document that provides tips and tricks to help make this journey as smooth as possible.  

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