Healthcare in Rural Canada

“Community hospitals across remote parts of Canada are facing challenges from staffing to funding.”

Here is a news story by CTV that highlights some of the realities associated healthcare in rural communities in Canada.

Has COVID been worse this summer?

Have you been thinking that COVID seems to be worse this summer than ever before? Have you or people you know been sicker this summer than previous summers? If you answered, “Yes,” to these questions, you may find this article of interest.

In 90 days?

Getting home from hospital guide & tips – H2H2H

H2H2H means Home to Hospital to Home. It’s a Provincial program meant to help improve the patient journey in “transitions of care”.

Going from home or facility to the hospital and back home, back to your shelter, and/or back to your family doctor is a big journey. Our healthcare system does not always transition us behind the scenes very well.

The “My Next Steps” guide can help patients take up their role as the central and key healthcare team member:

It’s also important to know your family doctor full name (correct spelling) and which clinic/city they are in. Did you know that? I didn’t. That’s if you even have a family doctor.

Hope this health tid bid helps 🙂


Public to Private to Public?

Alberta’s medical laboratories have gone from public, to private, and back to public in less than one year. What has this back and forth action cost Albertans? This and other questions are explored in this CBC report.

Have your say

There is discussion happening surrounding mask mandates in hospitals and other care facilities. Do you think such mandates should be maintained?

Speaking Out

Here is a Twitter thread that expresses what many people are feeling.

Help to Define Patient Safety

What is Patient Safety?

What does “patient safety” mean?

The University Health Network Open Lab team is working closely with the safety team at Healthcare Excellence Canada on their Defining Safety project. The goal of this project is to understand perspectives on the definition and future of patient safety from patients, caregivers, professionals, and leaders across Canada.

As a means of obtaining insights and ideas from Canadians, a ‘thought exchange’ about patient safety has been created. This exchange is a completely anonymous platform that provides space for participants to describe what they think the salient features are that should be included in a definition of patient safety.

If you live in Canada and want to join in the conversation on patient safety, click here.