Understanding Dementia & Brain Health – Alzheimer Calgary

If you will be in Calgary or area on the evening of August 29/2018, this may be an event you want to attend. Given that dementia is becoming a reality for more people, the information provided is apt to be relevant to you or someone you know.

Home Monitoring Technologies Forum

Are you interested in home (personal) health monitoring technologies and ways they can be used to improve patient care in Alberta? If so, here is an event you may find of interest.

Click here to read and download the forum information.

Calling Patient/Family Advisors

If you are a patient/family advisor, want to attend the upcoming Quality Summit in Calgary but have not yet registered, here is a tweet you won’t want to miss.

This Just Out!

Registration for Quality Summit 2018 will begin on June 27th, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. MT. Given the popularity of this event and the limited spots available, you will want to register as quickly as possible. Click here to find out more.

Another Chance

Exciting Times

May 1st marked the start of a special initiative that is taking place in Calgary. Thanks to front-line staff and others, including Paul Wright, a member of our Pts4Chg community, patients are breaking free of PJ Paralysis. Check out these Tweets for more information and follow the Twitter discussion on #endPJparalysis.

Deadline is Approaching

Just a reminder that the deadline to submit your abstract for this year’s Quality Summit is on April 18th, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. MT. The theme of this year’s summit is “1 + 1 = 3,” with the goal being to create synergy to transform Alberta’s health system.

Abstracts will be accepted in the following two themes:

Stream 1: Transformation through Innovation

“This is for you rebels out there! Are you trying something completely new or different in your area; going boldly where no person has gone before? This stream is for you – we want to hear your radical ideas and emerging ways of how to improve care. You might only have limited results that your idea is on the right track, but we want to hear how you are breaking new ground, how you made it happen and what you believe is possible for the future! The summit is an opportunity to seek input, inspire collaboration, and motivate action at an early stage in your project.

The definition of innovation that we are hoping to showcase is: New ideas that oppose and contradict our accepted ways of delivering health care services.”

Stream 2: Successful Quality Improvement Projects

“If you have implemented a successful quality improvement project and want to show it off, this is the category for you! We want to hear about your evidence-based improvement projects for delivering healthcare services and advancing a culture of patient and family centered care. Your journey doesn’t necessarily need to be complete – just show us what you’ve done so far and what could be possible in the future.”

Click here to find out more.

***Remember, the deadline for submissions is April 18th, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. MT***

Difference Makers Wanted

“Stakeholders within a system have within them the creativity and wisdom to confront even the most difficult challenge” –Juanita Brown

What are you doing on Thursday, March 29th from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. MST? Why not take part in this exciting opportunity to innovate our health system! Click here to register for this free event.

Storytelling and Healthcare?

Have you heard about storytelling? Are you interested in learning how storytelling can affect healthcare? If you answered “Yes” to both of these questions and if you are going to be in Edmonton or area on January 29, 2018, here is something you may want to check out.