May 1st marked the start of a special initiative that is taking place in Calgary. Thanks to front-line staff and others, including Paul Wright, a member of our Pts4Chg community, patients are breaking free of PJ Paralysis. Check out these Tweets for more information and follow the Twitter discussion on #endPJparalysis.
Today we saw the power of engagement. We took our first steps on our #endPJparalyis journey in Calgary. The momentum is contagious and frontline driven. Thank you all who were involved and supported today. It’s just the start @BrianwDolan
— Paul Wright (@paulwrightpfcc) May 2, 2018
Gail Wing on ending PJ paralysis: "I feel so much better when I get up and get dressed for the day. I’m not sick — so why would I stay in my pyjamas?”
— Alberta Health Services (@AHS_media) May 4, 2018