How Many More?

How many more doctors in Alberta are going to be sending their patients a similar letter as the one Brenda recieved?

How Safe is Your Care?

If you are interested in patient safety and have some personal experiences to share, here is an opportunity that might be on interest to you.

Patient-Oriented Research Podcasts

If you are interested in Patient-Oriented Research, why not join Beverley Pomeroy and Lisa Ridgeway for SPORCast? This bi-weekly podcast discusses the Standards for Patient-Oriented Research from the west coast of Canada. To listen to previous podcasts and more, including the conversation with Andre Picard, check out the SPORCast podcast page.

Missing at Conferences?

Why Do Words Matter?

Undoubtedly, there are occasions when we cannot find the right word to use, use the wrong one or are at a total loss of words. To some people and in some situations, such a word error may be seen as no big deal. However, this may not be the case, as Lorna Kay Thomas discusses in her blog post, “A Small Victory: Changing the CBC’s use of “drug abuser.”

Healthcare during COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought about many changes, one of which can include how we access healthcare. Not surprisingly, there are many questions people are asking themselves including: When should I go to an emergency room? Is diagnostic testing for non-COVID-19-related issues being done? How does a person see a specialist? Can I make an appointment to see my personal physician? If so, how is this done?

In the video below, Dr. Sheila Wijayasinghe looks at these and other questions and explains how to get the care needed during the ongoing pandemic.


As many people know, Alzheimer’s can be a very isolating journey for both patients and their caregivers. Memory Cafes help address these issues by providing people like Doug and Connie Moore with opportunities to connect with others over conversation and coffee.

To find Comfort Cafes in Canada, visit this website.